Business Cards
In this Project we were to create three business cards. We were supposed to use the logos we previously created. So initially I created some sketches using Adobe Illustrator. I spent more time on these sketches that I was expecting and they were much closer to finished products than my sketches normally were. With this I tried very hard to not find many other inspirations because I didn't want my business card to be plain and boring, so if I ever produce these and give them to clients. Anyways, I've narrowed the cards down to three that i'm happiest with and finalized them inside of Adobe InDesign. Concept One: First, I've chosen this one because I think the logo hanging off the side on the front of the card looks interesting. And the gray lines reaching around to back of the card leads the eyes to the back of the card where it has my Instagram and a couple of the things I'd consider myself good at. Concept Two: This concept was much more simple t...